
Boran Technologies Ltd.,

Boran Technologies Ltd. is a leading Israeli representative and distributor for foreign electronic manufacturers. Boran specializes in all of the main areas of the electronic industry – Active Components, Passive Components, Electromechanical Components and Power Management. The company has been in business since 1985 and represents some of the world's key lines. The company is owned by Ran Biron (Managing Director) and Menachem Amir (Director of Sales). Both have many years of experience in components engineering, sales engineering, sales support and sales management. With our global connections and our technical support capabilities, Boran is uniquely positioned to provide the best solutions for any requirements and provides customers with the value they expect from a trusted business partner

泰和县| 盘山县| 潮州市| 云浮市| 梨树县| 南陵县| 斗六市| 台东市| 德令哈市| 满城县| 五河县| 云霄县| 岑溪市| 巴青县| 迁西县| 天津市| 石狮市| 莱西市| 乐平市| 新建县| 巴南区| 淳化县| 郧西县| 平昌县| 图片| 曲麻莱县| 镇宁| 静海县| 油尖旺区| 灵宝市| 资兴市| 邻水| 金沙县| 鹤庆县| SHOW| 海门市| 奈曼旗| 芮城县| 名山县| 雅安市| 金塔县|