
Glyn GmbH & Co. KG

GLYN has concentrated its strategic course of business on technical expertise, excellent product support, reliable processes and sophisticated logistics. A total of 70 technical field sales staff, technical product specialists and application engineers with their important know-how are available to help our satisfied customers. GLYN focuses on a selection of leading manufacturers in the areas of semiconductors, display and system solutions, GSM and flash memory media. This specialisation on customised products gives us a head start in the support and advisory sector. The GLYN service philosophy: Expertise Profound product knowledge and system know-how make the difference. Our well-focused product specialists and application engineers with development experience possess high-level technical expertise. Support GLYN is your expert partner and will give you all the advice you need for selection, development and mass production. You don’t just purchase a product from GLYN. Our experienced technical staff, who are highly competent in finding solutions, are also at your disposal. In times of continually increasing complexity in the electronic sector, this service will ensure quick and easy success for your projects. Partners GLYN maintains fair business relationships with customers as well as with selected manufacturers. Long-standing partnerships, good contacts at all levels and a high turnover ranking secure opportunities for you. Our network is available to our partners. Speed Lean structures, fast decision-making processes and modern co-operative management methods are your advantage. Our speed and reliability make way for your head start in your sophisticated market. Familiar, experienced and motivated sales contacts will process your requests and give expertise advice during all phases of the delivery process. High service and quality standards regarding acquisition and warehousing go without saying. The focus is on optimum project processing and on schedule deliveries at a fair price. Being able to rely on GLYN in all of these areas is an added value welcomed by many thousands of customers in Europe. GLYN′s state-of-the-art IT-based systems and specialists guarantee the realisation of customised and economic logistic solutions. Detailed insights into the market demand and provision of comprehensive additional added value services mean that GLYN is a specialised distributor. We are expanding systematically and continually. GLYN – at the moment 22 offices in 15 countries with a total of 165 employees.

滨州市| 双峰县| 屯留县| 台东县| 巴塘县| 英吉沙县| 临城县| 涿州市| 阿拉善盟| 同江市| 祁门县| 永平县| 城步| 长海县| 兴隆县| 蒙山县| 涿鹿县| 黔江区| 广汉市| 曲周县| 日喀则市| 安泽县| 济源市| 平安县| 绥中县| 东海县| 海安县| 缙云县| 宜君县| 黔西县| 深州市| 安塞县| 丰原市| 都兰县| 渑池县| 铁力市| 奉化市| 林西县| 沂南县| 兰坪| 湘潭市|