
Daejin Semiconductor Co. Ltd

As one of the top distributors in Korea specialized in semiconductor field Daejin has supplying semiconductors from the leading domestic and foreign producers to numerous manufacturers and developers in various fields. Daejin offers customers stabilized system and integrated service based on a great store of knowledge from 16 years of wide experience of the field. By optimizing its technical expertise Daejin aims to develop the components for communication machineries and broadcasting equipments and bundle its software service as well.

邛崃市| 社旗县| 泾阳县| 革吉县| 松江区| 嘉峪关市| 凤山县| 饶河县| 阿城市| 弥渡县| 堆龙德庆县| 探索| 乐都县| 花莲县| 容城县| 永吉县| 仁布县| 新干县| 潼关县| 莒南县| 东乌| 宝应县| 昭通市| 清丰县| 武定县| 喀喇沁旗| 营山县| 阿图什市| 芜湖市| 廉江市| 衢州市| 临澧县| 井陉县| 鹤壁市| 鄂州市| 阳山县| 临颍县| 平原县| 海安县| 探索| 屏边|