
Hans Buch AS

Hans Buch A/S ia an amalgamation of the two companies AEG Industri A/S and Hans Buch+Co. A/S. From 01.01.2001 to 31.07.2003 the company name was Geveke Teknik A/S The business areas in Hans Buch A/S are the same as the former business areas of the two companies, i.e. electronics, instrumentation, electro technical and mechanical equipment, which we market, sell and service as components as well as solutions to the industry. Hans Buch A/S has almost 100 employees. Hans Buch A/S is owned by Fritz Schur Technical Group. The Fritz Schur Technical Group have neerly 200 employees.

石景山区| 民丰县| 广水市| 漳平市| 林周县| 台中市| 鞍山市| 滦南县| 天长市| 霞浦县| 临安市| 化德县| 湟源县| 六枝特区| 通城县| 临漳县| 伊宁县| 晴隆县| 海口市| 洮南市| 南岸区| 济阳县| 延长县| 怀柔区| 安达市| 繁昌县| 湘阴县| 自治县| 黔西县| 华阴市| 霍林郭勒市| 远安县| 星子县| 酉阳| 亚东县| 贵州省| 噶尔县| 永春县| 土默特左旗| 延长县| 南乐县|