
Gillanix Corporation

Since our first start as a provider of semiconductor in 1989, we have been grown up together with market leading companies in the field of high-technology industry of electronics & communications. By supporting customers with innovative design service for customer's products and providing discrimicative value added, we specializing in MAXIM-DALLAS and Analog & Mixed Singal components have shown great growth over 15% every year under the fierce market circumstances. We changed company name from Amerix Korea to Gillanix and annouced our great second takeoff as of 2008, January. Gillanix newly starting sailing this year promises customers to provide more competitive and optimized solutions with the maturer spirit of customer service. Gillanix appreciates your concern and encouragement and will do its best to become a reliable Besiness Partner for you.

中宁县| 肃北| 金坛市| 比如县| 营口市| 山阴县| 慈溪市| 巴塘县| 察雅县| 无为县| 寻乌县| 巍山| 神木县| 稻城县| 社旗县| 桃园县| 军事| 永川市| 靖西县| 循化| 化隆| 吉安县| 普宁市| 仁怀市| 西盟| 金华市| 临汾市| 山西省| 石城县| 屯昌县| 澄迈县| 乐陵市| 汶上县| 淮阳县| 大丰市| 江孜县| 九龙坡区| 梁山县| 密云县| 裕民县| 会宁县|