
Micrelec Electronics S.A.

Micrelec Electronics S.A. is a leading European Retail-IT equipment manufacturer and solutions provider. Its products and solutions are aimed towards Retail & Hospitality Information Technology, covering the entire spectrum of the business. We are constantly driven by our mission to be the preferred manufacturer and provider of retail-IT products and solutions globally. Technological innovation, high quality, reliability and flexibility, being some of the main characteristics of our products, made Micrelec a technology leader in the field of Retail-IT, guaranteeing its wide acceptance into overseas markets.

定南县| 泰顺县| 成武县| 启东市| 乌兰县| 霸州市| 渝北区| 田东县| 阳春市| 长沙市| 保康县| 琼海市| 津市市| 栾川县| 甘德县| 柳江县| 佳木斯市| 广西| 临高县| 车险| 桂平市| 岳普湖县| 上虞市| 博罗县| 遵化市| 江北区| 吕梁市| 蒙城县| 利辛县| 江阴市| 栾川县| 寿宁县| 柳江县| 英山县| 精河县| 屏东县| 黔西| 华亭县| 聂荣县| 临邑县| 教育|